
Do you want to know more about mass voice calls service?

You are in a right place!

Smarter way to inform or to educate your patrons via pre-recorded bulk voice calls.

Record a voice clip in MP3 format, Login to our higly user friendly web based panel and bingo! Just upload your clip, add numbers list click on check box if you want to reschedule your campaign if client is not reachable, busy, timeout ringing & Etc.

Now add extension in your call for data filtration.

Press 1 to know more!
Wanna add the same extension in your clip? Just select the numbers of extensions you want to add and record the same in clip. Once customer press 1 you will get the segregated data as per extensions. Also now you can add API with virtual mobile number setup.

Get best Mass voice calls solution for your business with coroporate solution and facility

Higly appreciated in Finance Elections & Education Sectors.